Growing artichokes

  • Artichokes are a tender perennial. When grown from seed, they do not always produce buds the first year.

  • Artichokes need full sun to thrive.

  • Plant 3 to 5 feet apart, as the leaves spread out.

  • So far, the rabbits have not bothered the artichokes, even the new growth. The more mature plants have some spines on the edges of their leaves, which I imagine would not feel good to a soft little rabbit mouth.

  • Damage can often be prevented by cutting them back to 8 to 10 inches before a hard frost and mulching with clean straw to protect the crowns. (I did not do this to mine planted last year, and even though the temperature got down to 10 deg. F. during our late winter freezing cold spell, at least two of my three plants survived and are growing back.)

  • When planting outdoors, work into the soil around each plant about a cup of general purpose fertilizer.

  • Avoid watering them from overhead.

  • To harvest, cut the buds when still tight. If they get away from you, the blooms are beautiful.

  • Artichoke ‘Violetta’ has smaller and more elongated buds than the usual green globe artichoke. They are a lovely purple color, delicious and very tender. (I grew them a few years ago and they were fantastic marinated!)

  • Artichoke ‘Violetta’ is the only variety I am offering in 2024.

Artichoke ‘Violetta’


Tender perennial

(85 days) This is a beautiful perennial artichoke that is cold hardy (but may suffer crown damage below 25 deg. F) and produces gorgeous purple tinged buds that are more elongated than green globe ball shaped buds.  Perennial in Zone 7 and warmer; otherwise treat  as an annual. Plants grow to 3-4' tall and should be spaced at about the same.  Plants produce 2-5+ buds per plant once established. Violetta does not normally produce buds in the first year planted from seed.

Note that we have found gophers to be very fond of eating artichoke roots so we will routinely plant them in wire baskets / cages. (Siskiyou Seeds)

Below: Garden planting of artichoke ‘Violetta’ and ‘Violetta’ bloom (Siskiyou Seeds photos), ‘Violetta’ seedlings in the greenhouse (WILLS FARM).